Thursday, January 12, 2012

whY Fame?

When you ask me ‘YFame?’ I’ll tell you that the MUSIC is the answer.  The music speaks for itself.”

Born in Philadelphia now residing in New Jersey, YFame (also known as “Famey” or “Famey Miscellaney”) is the quintessential independent artist.  The emcee, songwriter, music producer, and graphic designer puts everything into his music. Complete with original beats and catchy hooks, YFame’s honest lyrics resonate with anyone who has ever felt like a Somebody-Ish Nobody.  Don’t mistake him for an average urban rapper!  He makes it clear that he is no “gangster” and refrains from rhyming about the clichéd materialistic, hypersexual, and violent topics often found in mainstream rap.  With a repertoire of R&B, Soul, and Pop sounds, and a huge heart for the arts and community, this self-made artist has a style all his own.

Since the tender age of ten, music has played a large role in his life.  The versatile rising star has put more into his grind with the inspiration his father left with him after his death in 2009.  Now his life is his music.

How did you get started in music? 

“It's always been an interest of mine since I was little. At the age of 3 my favorite group was Kris Kross. In the summer of 2001 (Age 11) I wrote my first rap. It was a 16 bar verse. Shortly after, my mom went and bought me my first "ZOOM" dumbox. I began making beats. Christmas 2002 I received DJ equipment, so DJ'ing came into the picture. I enjoyed it but it came to an end in 2004. Music production has always been my passion since that faithful summer. I made my first song in '01 and I’ve been addicted ever since.”

Why "YFame?"  Where did it come from?  What does it mean?

“Well "Fame" was just one of those teenage nicknames. I gave it to myself in 2003. A year later it became "Young Fame". Around the time when everybody was putting "Young" or "Lil" in front of their names, I realized the "Young" was played out. So I got the idea of removing the "oung" and keeping the "Y" and "Fame", and making it a question. So when you ask me "YFame?" I’ll tell you that the MUSIC is the answer. The MUSIC speaks for itself.”

When your audience hears "YFame" or your music what feelings do you want to evoke?

“Music wise, every feeling emotion possible. I simply want to connect with everybody. I have music for everyone. Some record executives will say that NO artist has music for EVERYBODY. I think that's a false statement, because I do. I have angry music, sad music, happy music, music for lovers, music for Hip-Hop heads, music for go-getters, music for thinkers, music for wounded hearts, so on and so forth. I'm out to capture everyone’s ear.”

It’s clear that you have been blessed with many talents.  How do you apply them to your craft?

“Well of course I use my writing and wording skills. I also incorporate a lot of communication skills. I have a very good sense of timing. I'm very good when it comes to channeling emotions within myself for a particular song I’m working on. I have no problem with re-living a bad experience in my head, for the sake of a good song. A main reason for that being, I know that someone out there probably went, or is going through the same thing.” 

How much time do you spend on your craft?

“My LIFE is music, so there's not a day where I’m not creating. I'm always writing an idea in my memos, or recording a potential melody for a song in my phone. There have been times where I stayed up for 3 days straight just to perfect one song. The more time you spend on your craft, the greater the reward.”

What are you currently working on?

“As of right now I’m working on a mixtape with Jerry Wonda, the Grammy award winning producer, which doesn’t have a title yet. I'm just recording and selecting the songs for it. I'm also in the process of shooting videos that everybody will see soon. I'm excited about those. Other than that I’m doing a bunch of shows, blogging and building my brand.” 

Tell me about 'Miscellaney'.  How did it come about?

“Miscellaney is an organization / music group which consists of artists, music producers, songwriters, graphic designers, poets, talented speakers, etc. Our goal is to open people's eyes and ears to a greater experience of music and art. I just wanted a place to house all of the talent and talented people I knew. I felt as though the talent should be heard, or seen. We are jacks-of-all-trades and do not have to exit our circle for anything, for we are fluent in several fields. We are also out to serve our community, to motivate, to inspire and show the world that there is way more to life then just "getting by." It's about doing what you love to do before you leave this earth.”

What does "Miscellaney" mean?

"'Miscellaney' is a slang twist on the word miscellaneous; Having various qualities, aspects, or subjects. Consisting of members or elements of different kinds; of mixed character. Jacks-of-all-trades.”

How did you and all the members get into partnership?

“This is one of the most important things about Miscellaney. We are all friends. We all came together through friendship, through walks of life. That is why our bond and chemistry is so strong. I always say, "The formula for a long-lasting group of artists is good music, goals, and friendship”. We have all three.”

Who are the members and what are their roles in 'Miscellaney?'

Emperor Guz - Vice President, songwriter, graphic designer.   

Jo'von St. Cloud - Dance/Pop singer, songwriter 

Kevin Poison - R&B/Pop singer, songwriter 

MXL - Music producer

J-TABB - Music producer 

Tos - Rap artist, songwriter

Lu Torres - Computer Tech

Who manages you?  Do you do it all yourself?

“Though I don't have a manager set in stone, I don't do it all by myself. My good friend Lu Torres and the rest of Miscellaney help me with a lot of things. From emails / email blasts, to finding shows, to making phone calls, to contacting blogs, everybody's a big help. Another big help is Jerry Wonda and the Wonda Music team. When I reach that status of a "well known" artist, these people will be behind it.”

What advice do you have for other independent artists? 

“Stay HUMBLE, stay HUNGRY, and NEVER give up. Believe in yourself, or else nobody will believe in you. Work hard at your craft. Put blood, sweat and tears into what you love to do, and everything will be worth it. Don't just dream it, push people out the way, and MAKE it happen. Control YOUR destiny.”

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